In 2014, Lauren Yates started her own nonprofit strategy and consulting business working with nonprofits throughout the country including clients in education, arts and culture, and health and human services. Since 2014, she has earned millions in grants for her clients. In 2022, Lauren submitted 243 grants on behalf of 16 clients. Of those grants, 84 were awarded, in the amount of $8,659,469. Her overall success rate is 35% which is three and a half times the national average of 10%, according to Instrumentl. Her per client success rates are all higher than the national average, ranging from 18% - 100%, with an average of 40%.
She started grant writing after a 20-year career in journalism and public relations including work in education and corporate communications. In addition to writing, she specializes in helping new nonprofits with grant readiness and, because of her background in public relations and communications, also helps clients with event planning, donor communications, and strategic planning. Lauren has developed a proprietary process for grant readiness and maintains an extensive database of foundations.
Lauren has extensive corporate and philanthropic foundation experience as well as state and federal grant writing. Lauren has written grant requests from $2,500 to $5 million. She has extensive knowledge of Louisville and Kentucky foundations and private funders, and her national experience includes grant wins from the Hearst Foundation, the Lilly Endowment, Toyota, Honda, State Farm, and many more. She has experience with federal grant writing through Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Agriculture, Department of Justice, Department of Health & Human Services, and Department of Education.
Louisville, Kentucky